Translator Invasion's Impact on LPFM Quantified

The following are results of a preliminary study conducted by REC Networks analyzing the impact a flood of more than 13,000 FM translator applications filed last year are having on the potential growth of bona-fide local LPFM stations. REC is undoubtedly refining this information; visit their web site for more.
Bracketed text are additions to the original.
We surveyed 10,000 census designated communities, which if the translator applications that were filed during the March 2003 (Great Translator Invasion) window did not exist would be able to have some form of LPFM:
The total census population that represents these communities……………..35,254,379
5,554 of these communities would have at least one fully spaced (non-interference) channel…………15,142,666
In the study:
Highest population was Charlotte, NC .. 540,828
Lowest population was Butler, OK …… 345
Because of the Great Translator Invasion (GTI):
15.9% (1591) of the 10,000 study communities representing 11,469,351 (32.5%) in population have lost the opportunity to have any LPFM (LP-100) service in their community.
Even more painful:
58% (58) of the TOP-100 communities (Charlotte was #1, #100 was Beloit, WI with a population of 36,145) representing 66.7% (4,496,643 people) of the population in the Top 100 LPFM-qualified areas have the possibility of any future LPFM service because of the GTI.
The Top-10 Casualties are:
1. CHARLOTTE, NC – 540,828 – One channel in the middle of a 2-way battle between Isothermal Community College and Positive Alternative Radio (the organization that made the joint filing with Calvary Chapel that resulted in RM-10609, the petition for rulemaking that would allow satellite-fed translators in the non-reserved band (where these translators are)).
2. AUGUSTA, GA – 195,182 – Fully taken out by a first adjacent channel translator for “Augusta Radio Fellowship Institute Inc.” rebroadcasts commonly owned WLPE-FM (NCE) Augusta, GA. Translator is in *North Augusta* SC. We will need to check to see if the 60 dBu contour of the translator completely overlaps the full power. They should be very close.
3. COLUMBUS, GA – 185,781 – One fully spaced channel stuck in the crossfire of an acceptable application of Family Stations in Limpkin….There also appears to be a two way MX war between Clear Channel and Radio Training Network.
4. BROWNSVILLE, TX – 139,722 – Our highest population ranked fully spaced LPFM channel taken out by a translator for a Wendolynn Tellez. The FCC has not accepted it for filing yet.
5. ESCONDIDO, CA – 133,559 – Another fully spaced channel right here in our back yard. A second adjacent translator application for Clear Channel is taking it out.
6. CEDAR RAPIDS, IA – 120758 – a single channel that is being blocked by a 3-way MX between Starboard Media Foundation, E-String Wireless and EMF [Educational Media Foundation].
7. FORT COLLINS, CO – 118,652 – The home of WWV is now no longer the home of any LPFM future. A 4-way MX between EMF stations in Estes Park and Greeley as well as two Educational Comms. of Colorado Springs (another big filer) filings in Longmont and Fort Collins.
8. WACO, TX – 113,726 – The only possibility of LPFM in a 5-way MX war between “Christian Broadcasting Company” [possibly these folks?], EMF, Wendolynn Tellez (remember Brownsville), American Educational Broadcasting and Wildcatter Wireless.
9. WICHITA FALLS, TX – 104,197 – The only LPFM channel has a granted CP for EMF on it.
10. ERIE, PA – 103,717 – Two channels taken out by Accepted filings on various channels (even the IF) for Clear Channel, Family Life and Starboard Media.
Top 5 Locations that survived are:
1. CHATTANOOGA, TN – 155,554 – Two adjacent channels including one fully spaced is now considered an interference channel thanks to our friends at Edgewater [Broadcasting]. (Chattanooga went to one channel)
2. TOPEKA, KS – 122,377 – Two channels were available. Radio Assist [Ministry] and EMF are fighting for 99.7, but there is still a reserved channel, 89.1 available.
3. KILLEEN, TX – 86,911 – A single interference channel, 103.9 survived without a scratch.
4. REDDING, CA – 80,865 – Ditto but two channels!
5. JOSEPH CITY, MO – 73,990 – A community with 6 channels (all of them spaced enough to handle 6 LPFMs!) has been brought down to 3 channels. Of the 6 channels, one was fully spaced, but no longer thanks to our friends at Radio Assist Ministry. Interesting since RAM has been granted on another channel in the same town. Other channels were taken out by Covenant Network and Radio Assist’s twin, Edgewater Broadcasting.
Bottom line, we need to stop this translator invasion before it gets more out of control.