LPFM Tidbits of Note

Outgoing Amherst Alliance president Don Schellhardt breaks things down micro-legislatively with regard to S.2505, the Low Power Radio Act. He also notes that Senator Maria Cantwell has introduced promised leigslation to protect certain “Class D” old-style LPFM stations from being bumped off the air. That bill, the “Educational Radio Protection Act,” currently has no sponsors.
In a bid to drum up lobbying for low power radio, Free Press and the Prometheus Radio Project are sponsoring a contest of sorts: LPFM Idol offers as its grand prize a trip to Washington, D.C. to the LPFM station who can generate the most constituent agitation to congresscritters.
For those interested in watching how the dynamics of FCC licensing decisions at the local level affect planned or existing LPFM stations, REC Networks has begun a Yahoo group (reclpfm) for their Encroachment and Activity reports. REC continues to lead the way when it comes to humanizing the mass of information processed by the FCC; tracking their info feeds is like watching the health of the LPFM service as a whole in near-realtime.