Professional Miscellany

It’s been a busy academic year, and we’re only two months in! Here are some things going on in my professional life that might be of interest to you:
Radio’s Digital Dilemma will be released in paperback next year, somewhere in the January/February timeframe. This came as a pleasant surprise, and signifies that Routledge thinks there’s a larger readership beyond the few hundred that can afford the exorbitantly-priced hardcover.
RDD will be available via Routledge Paperbacks Direct, a publish-on-demand system which absolves the need for bulk print-runs.
The Library of Congress’ Radio Preservation Task Force will hold its inaugural conference next February, entitled “Saving America’s Radio Heritage: Radio Preservation, Access, and Education.” The conference will be split between the LoC itself and the University of Maryland.
In addition to research presentations and archive tours, the RPTF’s new research caucuses will convene for the first time. There are seven of them, including Labor Radio, of which I am the chair.
In general, the caucuses plan to identify potential audio archives of interest. We’ll look to digitize and document them to the best our abilities, and make eductional lesson-plans featuring this content.
My department held its annual Media Nights last month, and I hosted a conversation with Al Jazeera America. The two-hour telecast featured a diverse group of folks from AJAM’s news team talking about a wide variety of topics involving the practice of journalism in our modern media envrionment.
I’d also like to think we smacked down some of the misconceptions that exist about the channel and its reason for being.
Finally, I’ll be I’m a guest on an upcoming this week’s episode of the Radio Survivor podcast. Paul Riismandel, Eric Klein, and I discussed the FCC’s recent Report and Order on AM Revitalization and the meltdown of Cumulus Media. Paul is a long-time pal and we’re mulling over the idea of starting our own podcast. Stay tuned….