LPFM Expansion Bill to Clear Committee

S. 2505 – the bill to expand LPFM back out to its original parameters as defined in 2000 – is expected to clear the Senate Commerce Committee on Thursday. This is somewhat of a no-brainer as S. 2505’s sponsor, John McCain (R-AZ) also happens to be committee chairman.
At present the bill has just two co-sponsors. Remember that it must still clear both the House and Senate and survive a presidential veto (expected but not yet promised). There’s always a chance that S. 2505 could become a “rider” to other legislation, a common legislative shortcut used when Congress has a backlog (as is the case presently). Then again, it could always be scuttled in exchange for the support of other measures with more political capital.
The Free Press lobbying crew has been quiet; Congress adjourns for its summer break at the end of this month and won’t return until September. Adjournment of the 108th Congress is tentatively scheduled for October 1 – leaving roughly five weeks’ worth of “business” left in which to push this puppy through.