Bringing Back the Noise

If you can read this, you’re hooked into DIYmedia’s brand new server featuring expanded pipe action – putting the Truthful Translations of Political Speech back into the hands of the people. Note the GWB collages are now into the triple-digits and contain multi-page sub-sections. There’s also new Don, Ron, George I, Arnold, Pat, and Tony tracks, just to name a few.
New stuff ahoy in Celebrity Speech as well, including Rush remixed-comment on that drug hoopla and the ever-lampoonable Dan Rather.
Still working on other collage galleries, but they’re not ready yet. To tide you over check the expanded section of Featured MP3s in the A/V Library, with new tracks musically praising the license-free broadcaster.
Please report any broken links you may encounter so I can make sure the new haus is in full working order.
You may also notice little ‘donate’ buttons scattered about. Spreading this love isn’t cheap, and while it’s not breaking the bank or anything the dent is certainly deeper now (think ‘grad student with a part-time job’). If you want something in exchange more tangible than gratitude check the store for good reading and listening pleasure (Powell’s/Insound). This section, too, is due for a much-needed revamp.
Now, let’s get out there and f*ck up some heads!