The ninth annual Homelessness Marathon takes place overnight from Wednesday, February 15th to Thursday, February 16th. This 14-hour broadcast explores the plight of homelessness around the United States in no uncertain terms, and gives some of those who are homeless a chance to directly break the silence which all too often surrounds the condition.
Homelessness Marathon founder/producer Jeremy Alderson describes the broadcast as a “consciousness-raising, not a fund-raising broadcast. There are no on-air solicitations. While we certainly encourage ‘haves’ to give generously to ‘have- nots,’ we believe that solving the problem of homelessness requires not just volunteerism but also fundamental changes in the way our nation’s priorities are structured.”
Every year the marathon is hosted by a different community radio station around the country; the third (2000) broadcast from out front the local (full-power) community radio station, WEFT. This year it’ll come from Radio Free Georgia. The Marathon is available to interested rebroadcasters via two satellite channels as well as online thanks the support of the Pacifica network (check here for details). This year there’s also a blog dedicated to the event and its primary subject. As many as 90 licensed stations – and a host of microradio outlets – carried the broadcast in 2005.