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Featured Artists: National Corporate Radio, Speak Freaker, rx, J. Buckley, Wax Audio, Norton Scooter, Drumaddikt, Cjacksonrun, Jonathan Coulton, Don Amott KofC, Frenz, Robert Montoya, Poison Popcorn, Big City Orchestra, Workshoppe Radio Phonik, Radio Crack, The Boffo Bros., Cuechamp, Figure Formation, Dept. of Corrections, National Cynical Network, Smoothouse, MC Articulate, Scott Walmsley, Bob Parker, Namaste, Toe, Dashauer, Celso Solano, Cow Tse Tung Sound System, Panthers, Dave Tucker, David Slusser, New Horizons in Violence,Ubuibi, The Evil Calicoes, Rocker Biff, Matt Berube, Diego Music Creations, Contemporary Casualties, Orri, DJ Concrete, James Allenspach, Boopaleep MacGuffin, Marco Capelli, Hunchentoot
Video translations: